With just 3 days remaining, the donations to the 2019 Fundraiser, Giving
Thanks to the Golden & District Hospital, total $11,620; $9,420
through the Canada Helps website and $2,200 in cheques. We have a long
way to go to meet our goal and buy the Mobile X-Ray Machine.
For people who wish to support the hospital and contribute to
the campaign, but do not want to donate over the internet, the Friends of the
Golden & District can accept cheques made out to the East Kootenay
Foundation for Health, Friends of the GDH. Cheques can either be dropped off at
the Hospital or call me and I can arrange to have them picked up.
online fundraising page, Giving Thanks to the Golden & District
Hospital 2019, is accepting donations until Saturday October 12th 2019.
Keith W Hern
250 344 0233
Friend of the Golden & District Hospital