Wednesday, 21 October 2015

Hospital staff say thanks.

Jean-Gaston DesCoteaux (centre right), the chief of staff at the Golden & District Hospital shakes hands with Keith W Hern surrounded by hospital staff.

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Thank you friends

On behalf of the Friends of the Golden & District Hospital I would like to offer my heart-felt thanks to all the  friends who gave  so generously to the fundraiser.

$1000 to $2000

Mr Keith Hern
Columbia Credit Union
Dusevic Holdings Ltd
George Ross
Remax of Golden
Soles Forest Products
Dogtooth Log & Timber
Kicking Horse Interiors
Golden Installations
Mr & Mrs Darcy & Sherry Grykuliak
Cardison Enterprise Ltd
Kardash Plumbing & heating
Canadian Timberframes Ltd

$500 to $999

Miss Crystal Schuler
Kicking Horse Ford Sales
Brian & Debra Heald
Mr James Blair
Mrs Nola Milum
Mr Dave Nutter
Peter & Helen Hawkes
Sandra Parry
Mrs Sabine Habart
Mr Chuck Strahl
Glenna Jeffries
Great West Appraisal
Ms Cheryl Chapman
Mrs Audrey Johnson
Sandy and Jim Haggins
Mr & Mrs Duncan and Thelma Brown
Prime Drywall Contracting Ltd
Mr Scott Newman & Dr Stephanie Knaak
Stuart, Trish & Scott Angus
Dr Bruce Starke
Bob & Christine Deagle
Mr Keith Glenday
Selkirk Electric

$100 to $499

Mrs Lynda Conway
Dr Mary-Jo Woolgar
Jeffrey T Dolinsky Inc
Janet & Steve Swaffield
Ewan & McKenzie
Barbara & Andy Friedli Weilenmann
Mr & Mrs Doug & Diane Bell
Mr Alan Shragie
Stanley Warshawski
Mr Norman Madill
Mr & Mrs Wouter Beekman
Mr Bruce Fairley
Ray & Bernice Mack
Mr & Mrs Doug & Sandra Chisholm
Merc Flooring & Paint
Ms Carol Goodwin
Dr Nicholas Tan
Mr Frank Hern
Ms Melanie Galbraith
Mrs Suzanne Garland
Joanne Brown
Mr Troy Moller
Mr Bob Munro
Mr & Mrs Robert Tegart
Mr David Adams
Mrs Roxanne Bennett
Webbs Wooden Things
Mrs Tammy Burke
Mr Mathew Grace
Wenche & Brin Sharp
Mrs Caenie Pyrcz
Jill Comrie
Julia Cundliffe
Mr Kevin Cox
Mr Don Garner
Mrs Margaret Olson
Mr Brian Fung
Denise English
Duane & Norma Crandall
Mr & Mrs Lee & Duncan Bedford
Mrs Peggy Palumbo
Mr Hans te Stroete
Mrs Connie Barlow
Mrs Emily Krahulic
Golden Lotus Ayurveda
Mr Tony Danks
Ms. Deborah Austin
Ken Chilibeck
Mary Lynn Lewis
Mr Caleb Moss
Carol Lindequist
Mrs Katherine Baehr
L'Opera Law Corporation
Mrs Margaret Balas
Ken & Maryanne Schroeder
Mrs Alex Hansen
Paul Kostyan
Mrs Sherry Gottler
Miss Tracy Balas
Mrs Katherine Coatesworth
Heidi Kalmar
Ms Sarah German
Ms Elise Pare
Mr james Doyle
Sara Thomas
Dr Virginia Clark
Mr Bernell & Martie Salisbury
Nina Vincenzi
Ms Heather Mitchell
Mr Ebe's Garden
Mariam Elkington
Nancy Faulkner
Annette Luttermann
Denise English
Mr Matt Heimbecker
Island Restaurant
Brian Turner
Mr Stephen Hern
Joanne Sweeting
Mr & Mrs Robert & Diane Taylor
Mr & Mrs Russ Younger
Mrs Delanee Jmaiff
Les Margetak
DJ's Paper Place
Mr & Mrs John Wood
Katherine Leson
Dr Rebecca Kolbenson
Mr Michael Vaughan
Mr derek Colonna
Mr Alexandre Desjardins
Kristen Kerr
Grassroots Environmental Services
Mr Kevin Kotyluk
Mrs Shanne Pyrcz
Kaye Jankovic
Ms Janice LaRoy
Gabriallen Properties Ltd
Lynda & William Balas
Dave & Mary Dawson
Ralph & Sheila Taphorn

To $99

Brian Anderson
Kim Bernasconi
Miss Karen Lim
Mr James Douglas Lim
Monika Siegmund Savage
Mr Victor Boyko
Miss Claire Hern
Christina Benty
Mark Murray
Louise Jobin
Elsie Curtis
Jane Doel
Miss Megan Crandall
Deborah Kwiatek
Rocky Mountain Osteopathy
Miss Terry Holdsworth
Stephanie Findlater
Miss Linda Niemi
Ms Tanya Connor
Mrs Karen Cathcart
Karen Smedley
Mrs Susan Wright
Mr Bob James
Mr Craig Florence
Chris Hambruch
Kathleen Hadford
Lisa Lamb
Mrs Lynnette Sukut
Crystal Proctor
Marc Hadford
Dallas & Barbra Bjarnason
Barbara Huckvale
Mrs Gladys Neymann
Ms Leslie Clark
Ms Barbara Biles
Ms Brandy Beliveau
Rona Altrows

Saturday, 10 October 2015

$50,611 WOW!

Giving Thanks to the Golden & District Hospital fundraiser closed at $49,650 from internet donation plus cash and cheque donations of $961 for a total of $50,611 WOW! Words cannot express how I feel tonight, and I'm sure that Frances would be mighty pleased. Thank you to all the families that supported this initiative and to all the donors who gave so generously.

14 hour remaining; $3760 to go

This is the last day of the fundraising campaign Giving Thanks to the Golden and District Hospital which will close at midnight EST or 10 pm here in Golden.

We now stand at $46,240. $50k is within our grasp! we need another $3760 or only 38 people at $100 each. Any gift, no matter how large or small, will show support for the hospital.

If you cannot or do not feel comfortable using the internet, you can always donate by cheque. Any cheques will be gratefully accepted at the Island restaurant between 2 and 5pm to day.

Click to Donate

If you had wanted to support our local hospital in Golden and had just forgotten to make your gift, now would be a good time to go to the donation page hosted on Canada Helps and make your donation. After you have donated share your donation with a friend.

Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year.

The number of donors is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

Friday, 9 October 2015

24 hours remaining; $3760 to go

With only 24 hours left to go until the Giving Thanks to the Golden and District fundraiser will close. We now stand at $46,240. Although we are well passed our primary target the Hospital will need more small ticket items in 2016. Let's get a head start ready for next year. Keep the donations coming. You may need this equipment some day!

$50k is within our grasp! we need another $3760 or only 38 people at $100 each. Any gift, no matter how large or small, will show support for the hospital.

Click to Donate

If you had wanted to support our local hospital in Golden and had just forgotten to make your gift, now would be a good time to go to the donation page hosted on Canada Helps and make your donation. After you have donated share your donation with a friend.

Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year.

The number of donors is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

30 hours remaining; $5379 to go

There's only 30 hours left to go until the Giving Thanks to the Golden and District fundraiser will close. We now stand at $44,621. Although we are well passed our primary target the Hospital will need more small ticket items in 2016. Let's get a head start ready for next year. Keep the donations coming.You may need this equipment some day!

$50k is within our grasp! we need another $5379 or 100 people at $54 each. Any gift, no matter how large or small, will show support for the hospital.

Click to Donate

If you had wanted to support our local hospital in Golden and had just forgotten to make your gift, now would be a good time to go to the donation page hosted on Canada Helps and make your donation. After you have donated share your donation with a friend.

Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year.

The number of donors is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

38 hours remaining; $7,129 to go

There's only 38 hours left to go until the Giving Thanks to the Golden and District fundraiser will close. We topped $42k overnight and this morning stand at $42,871. Although we are well passed our primary target the Hospital will need more small ticket items in 2016. Let's get a head start ready for next year. Keep the donations coming.You may need this equipment some day!

$50k is within our grasp! we need another $7129 or 100 people at $72 each. Any gift, no matter how large or small, will show support for the hospital.

Click to Donate

If you had wanted to support our local hospital in Golden and had just forgotten to make your gift, now would be a good time to go to the donation page hosted on Canada Helps and make your donation. After you have donated share your donation with a friend.

Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year.

The number of donors is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

2 days and 3 hours left to go

There are 2 days and 3 hours left to go until the Giving Thanks to the Golden and District fundraiser will close. The Friends of the GDH were jubilant that our primary target of $36,000 was reached in 48 hours and that the total now stand a few dollars shy of $42,000.We have great momentum and the Hospital will need more small ticket items in 2016. Let's get a head start ready for next year. Keep the donations coming.

Do you think $50k is doable? That's only another $8,000 or 200 people at $40 each. Let's find out! Any gift, no matter how large or small, will show support for the hospital.

If you had wanted to support our local hospital in Golden and had just forgotten to make your gift, now would be a good time to go to the donation page hosted on Canada Helps and make your donation. After you have donated share your donation with a friend.

Click to Donate

Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year.
The number of donors is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

$40,000 and still growing

Giving Thanks to the Golden & District Hospital fundraiser has just topped $40,000. Now let's see how far we can go. We have great momentum and the Hospital will need more small ticket items in 2016. Let's get a head start ready for next year. Keep the donations coming.
Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year.
Do you think $50k is doable? That only another $10,000 or 200 people at $50 each. Let's find out!

Click to Donate

The list is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Well done team.

The $36,000 target has been attained. Now let's see how far we can go. We have great momentum and the Hospital will need more small ticket items in 2016. Let's get a head start ready for next year. Keep the donations coming.
Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year.
Do you think $50k is doable? That only another $14,000 or 280 people at $50 each. Let's find out!

Click to Donate

The list is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

$32,000 now. Can you help make it $36,000 today?

At 2pm Giving Thanks to The Golden and District Hospital fundraiser has just past $32,000. With 4 days left I'm hopeful that we can surpass the original target of $36,000 and keep going. Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year. Can you help make it $36,000 today?

Click to Donate

The list is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

Getting close

Overnight the gifts kept coming, albeit at a slower pace. At 8:00 a total of $29,373 was in the pot. With 4 days left I'm hopeful that we can surpass the original target of $36,000 and keep going. Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year. Let's take this as far as we can!

Click to Donate

The list is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

Tuesday, 6 October 2015

$28,000 and 4 days to go

The response has been amazing for the first 24 hours of the campaign. Friends and family have given over $28,000 and with 4 days left I'm hopeful that we can surpass the original target of $36,000. Any additional funds over and above the target will be held by the East Kootenay Foundation for Health for future equipment needs of the Golden & District Hospital and Durand Manor. The hospital staff are currently working on a new list for next year. Let's take this as far as we can!

Click to Donate

The list is too long to thank everyone on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

$24,000 and counting

The day shift has done a fabulous job raising $24,213 over 2/3 of the target $36,000. Now it's up to the night owls to finish the job. Let's try to put the target behind us tonight.

Click to Donate

The list is too long to thank every on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the donation page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.

Passed Halfway at $21,000

Giving Thanks to the Golden & District Hospital had passed the halfway point; $18,000 before noon! It now stands at $21,430.
I'm overwhelmed by this show of support and the outpouring of kind comments for the hospital staff. I'm hoping everyone will show support even if it's only $10 or $20. If can spare more that would be great too.

Click to Donate

The list is too long to thank every on this page, but you can look under "Supporters" on the home page to see which of your friends have given. If you want to remain anonymous, that's fine too. Just uncheck the sharing box.